Advertising example sentences

Included in this category are transport, banking, insurance, warehousing, communication, packaging and advertising.As you have read in the chapter on advertising, branded goods are expensive, often promoted by advertising and claims of better quality.Advertising by focusing on the lives of the rich and famous helps us forget about issues of poverty, discrimination and dignity, all of which are central to the functioning of equality in a democracy.Her marketing department also has to be briefed in time to prepare their promotional and advertising campaigns.Advertising makes it possible for producers and traders to inform consumers about the goods and services available in the market.These include transport and communication, banking and finance, insurance, warehousing, and advertising.In this chapter, we will focus on the two advertisements that you see above to understand what advertising does and how it works.As citizens of a democratic society, it is important for us to be aware of the strong influence that advertising has on our lives.Media's continual need for money and its links to advertising means that it becomes difficult for media to be reporting against people who give them advertisements.Transport, banking, insurance, warehousing, and advertising are regarded as auxiliaries to trade, i.e., activities playing a supportive role.On the basis of this information, the Indian firms can prepare themselves to meet the threat by adopting such measures as improving the quality of the product, reducing cost of the production, engaging in aggressive advertising, and so on.International trade in services such as international travel and tourism, transportation, communication, banking, warehousing, distribution and advertising has considerably grown.In a democracy in which all people are equal and should be able to lead a life of dignity, advertising tends to promote a certain lack of respect for the poor.It is, therefore, important to know how advertising works and understand what it does before we choose to buy the products that advertisements sell.Usually, crores of rupees are spent advertising a brand.

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