Allows example sentences

This dialogue allows the designer to specify the format, position and alignment.This allows plants to get sufficient sunlight, nutrients and water from the soil.He suffers from a form of paralysis that confines him to a wheelchair, and allows him to 'speak' only by punching buttons on a computer, which speaks for him in a machine-like voice.This flexibility allows for new interpretations and, therefore, the Constitution can be considered to be a living document.At the same time the Constitution allows the state to intervene in the matters of religion in order to ensure equality within religious communities.But as the above cases highlight, there is also an intrinsic flexibility to our Constitution that allows for a continually expanding list of issues to be included within the idea of dignity and justice that the Constitution guarantees., Once the data type of a column is specified, Access allows the designer to define the properties of each column.' This observation allows us to see the behaviour of the main characters, who are preoccupied with marriage and money, as typifying Austen's society.It allows you to understand how much s/he understood of what was communicated.Even when it fails to do some of these things, it allows a way of correcting its mistakes and offers more dignity to all citizens.Internet also allows us to send instant electronic mail (e-mail) and talk (voice-mail) across the world at negligible costs.Janis discovered a process known as “groupthink” in which a group allows its concerns for unanimity.Spacing of controls allows to change (increase or decrease) the relative position of selected controls by one grid point horizontally or vertically.In a counselling-counsellor relationship, a good relationship allows freedom of expression.A similar synapse finally allows delivery of such impulses from neurons to other cells, such as muscles cells or gland [Figureure 1 (b)].

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