Angle example sentences

All he has managed to do is teach them what he knows — the art of making bangles.That is, there are two positives and one negative in the triangle.This angle is also called dihedral angle or torsional angle.Consider a situation in which an object is being displaced by the action of forces and we identify one of the forces, F acting opposite to the direction of the displacement s, that is, the angle between the two directions is 180º.An awareness of the Periodic Table is essential to anyone who wishes to disentangle the world and see how it is built up from the fundamental building blocks of the chemistry, the chemical elements.He has a roof over his head! The cry of not having money to do anything except carry on the business of making bangles, not even enough to eat, rings in every home.Imbalance is found when all three sides of the P-O- triangle are negative, or two sides are positive, and one side is negative.The make-up room had the look of a hair-cutting salon with lights at all angles around half a dozen large mirrors.The rear carbon atom (the carbon atom away from the eye) is represented by a circle and the three hydrogen atoms are shown attached to it by the shorter lines drawn at an angle of 120° to each other.Three hydrogen atoms attached to the front carbon atom are shown by three lines drawn at an angle of 120° to each other.Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making bangles.And in dark hutments, next to lines of flames of flickering oil lamps, sit boys and girls with their fathers and mothers, welding pieces of coloured glass into circles of bangles.She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light in her eyes.All the major international companies such as Nike, Reebok, Levis and Wrangler today get their products or components produced in the developing countries under contract manufacturing.Magnitude of torsional strain depends upon the angle of rotation about C–C bond.

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