Atmospheric example sentences

But most of chemical reactions are carried out not at constant volume, but in flasks or test tubes under constant atmospheric pressure.For any pure substance at atmospheric pressure, the temperature at which the solid and liquid phases are at equilibrium is called the normal melting point or normal freezing point of the substance.Water and water vapour are in equilibrium position at atmospheric pressure ( 013 bar) and at 100°C in a closed vessel.In 1980s atmospheric scientists working in Antarctica reported about depletion of ozone layer commonly known as ozone hole over the South Pole.For any pure liquid at atmospheric pressure ( 013 bar) the temperature at which the liquid and vapours are at equilibrium is called boiling point of the liquid.Ammonium salts are also formed and can be seen as an atmospheric haze (aerosol of fine particles).Measurement of heat change at constant pressure (generally under atmospheric pressure) can be done in a calorimeter shown in Figureure We know that ? = p H q (at constant p) and, therefore, heat absorbed or evolved, qp at constant pressure is also called the heat of reaction or enthalpy of reaction, ?rH.Similarly, all the movements of air resulting in diverse atmospheric phenomena are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere in different regions of the Earth.There is no change of mass of ice and water, as the rates of transfer of molecules from ice into water and of reverse transfer from water into ice are equal at atmospheric pressure and 273 K.Species capture and store energy, produce and decompose organic materials, help to cycle water and nutrients throughout the ecosystem, fix atmospheric gases and help regulate the climate.Atmospheric pollution is generally studied as tropospheric and stratospheric pollution.Once CFCs are released in the atmosphere, they mix with the normal atmospheric gases and eventually reach the stratosphere.The most familiar examples are phase transformation processes, e.g., Ice and water kept in a perfectly insulated thermos flask (no exchange of heat between its contents and the surroundings) at 273K and the atmospheric pressure are in equilibrium state and the system shows interesting characteristic features.Greenhouses have also lent their name to an atmospheric phenomenon.Nitrogen is thus an essential nutrient for all life-forms and life would be simple if all these life-forms could use the atmospheric nitrogen directly.

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