Attain example sentences

During the hot weather the Gujars usually drive their herds to the upper range, where the buffaloes rejoice in the rich grass which the rains bring forth and at the same time attain condition from the temperate climate and the immunity from venomous flies that torment their existence in the plains.Can you now depict a molecule of water showing the nature of bonding between one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms? Does the molecule have single bonds or double bonds? What would happen in the case of a diatomic molecule of nitrogen? Nitrogen has the atomic number What would be its electronic configureuration and its combining capacity? In order to attain an octet, each nitrogen atom in a molecule of nitrogen contributes three electrons giving rise to three shared pairs of electrons.The relevant qualification for selection to the Indian cricket team, for example, is not the attainment of educational degrees but the ability to play cricket well.The person may be very close to the goal, and yet does not attain it.Aggression is an expression, and consequence of frustration, i.e. an emotional state that arises when a person is prevented from reaching a goal, or attaining an object that s/he wants.The shared electrons 'belong' to the outer shells of both the atoms and lead to both atoms attaining the noble gas configureuration.It will be observed that the mercury level in the right limb of the manometer slowly increases and finally attains a constant value, that is, the pressure inside the box increases and reaches a constant value.Maslow has given a detailed account of psychologically healthy people in terms of their attainment of self-actualisation, a state in which people have reached their own fullest potential.Equilibrium constant is applicable only when concentrations of the reactants and products have attained their equilibrium state.The cells of this zone, attain their maximal size in terms of wall thickening and protoplasmic modifications.Similarly, for experiments 5 and 6, the equilibrium was attained from the opposite direction.Analogous to the physical systems chemical reactions also attain a state of equilibrium.focuses on specific and time-bound targets and thus, helps in attainment of organisational objectives.After certain time the intensity of colour becomes constant and at this stage equilibrium is attained.According to him the best means of attaining salvation was through intense devotion to ishnu.

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