Author example sentences

Persons held in prison or otherwise detained, perhaps under house arrest, because a government considers their ideas, image or activities as a threat to the authority of the state.This is what Rajat has to say about the challenges of his job: In the capacity of the country manager the global manager has to deal with establishing his company s legal and business presence in the form of a local office or business partner, contacting and negotiating with clients, with legal bodies including lawyers and immigration authorities since the services involve having technical staff from India to be based in USA/Europe, as also with local companies offering recruitment services.It should be noted that the company need not issue the entire authorised capital for public subscription at a time.It is set in the Burmese invasion, stories of which the author had probably heard from old soldiers who had fought in the 1819 campaign.Some women authors also wrote about women who changed the world of both men and women.At the international level, there is no single currency that is issued by a central authority.From 1935, local authorities have increased the taxes on me … and I was unable to handle them and all my property was registered: my horse, cow, calf, sheep with lambs, all my implements, furniture and my reserve of wood for repair of buildings and they sold the lot for the taxes.Once you obey small orders, slowly there is an escalation of commitment for the person who is in authority and one starts obeying bigger orders.For ensuring quality, the government has made it compulsory for certain products that these be inspected by some authorised agency.Their authority and responsibility is limited according to the plans drawn by the top management.It aims at providing information about the financial performance of a firm to its various users such as owners, managers employees, investors, creditors, suppliers of goods and services and tax authorities and help them in taking important decisions.Enraged peasants resisted the authorities and destroyed their livestock.He said that these texts had been used to establish the authority of Brahmans over lower castes and the domination of men over women.Several battles were fought by Guru Gobind Singh against the Rajput and Mughal rulers, both before and after the institution of the Khalsa in 169 After his death in 1708, the Khalsa rose in revolt against the Mughal authority under Banda Bahadur's leadership, declared their sovereign rule by striking coins in the name of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh, and established their own administration between the Sutlej and the Jamuna.On occasion authors revised their chronicles at different times.

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