Average example sentences

Density of all roads varies from only 10 km in Jammu & Kashmir to 375 km in Kerala with the national average of 75 km (1996-97).Different people plan to save different fractions of their additional incomes (with the rich typically saving a greater proportion of their income than the poor), and if we average these we may arrive at a fraction which will give us an idea of what proportion of the total additional income of the economy people wish to save as a whole.Their average elevation is 900– 1600 metres as against 600 metres of the Eastern Ghats.India's rural population is about 600 million which depends upon 250 million (approximate) hectares of agricultural land, an average of less than half a hectare per person.This representative good will have a level of production which will correspond to the average production level of all the goods and services.The average density of population in the whole world is 45 persons per square km.The altitude varies between 3,700 and 4,500 metres and the average width is of 50 Km.The summary values are sum, average, minimum and maximum.As a result, the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere is gradually increasing.An adult human excretes, on an average, 1 to 5 litres of urine per day.The average period of payment can be worked out by days/months in a year by the turnover rate.The effective nuclear charge increases from left to right across a period and consequently it will be easier to add an electron to a smaller atom since the added electron on an average would be closer to the positively charged nucleus.What was also critical was the period of employment: the number of days of work determined the average daily income of the workers.The average money holding of the firm as well as the worker is equal to Rs 50 each.Rita is another student who is just average in her studies and has not achieved high grades consistently.

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