Ballot example sentences

However, there can be other situations (for example, voting by secret ballot) in which the behaviour of members is private (not known to others).All adults in India have the equal right to vote during elections and this 'power over the ballot box' has been used by people to elect or replace their representatives.Earlier the voters used to indicate who they wanted to vote for by putting a stamp on the ballot paper.It includes stuffing ballot boxes by a few persons using the votes of others; recording multiple votes by the same person; and bribing or coercing polling officers to favour a candidate.A ballot paper is a sheet of paper on which the names of the contesting candidates along with party name and symbols are listed.Earlier the voters used to indicate who they wanted to vote for by putting a stamp on the ballot paper.A ballot paper is a sheet of paper on which the names of the contesting candidates along with party name and symbols are listed.It includes stuffing ballot boxes by a few persons using the votes of others; recording multiple votes by the same person; and bribing or coercing polling officers to favour a candidate.But this feeling of equality that the ballot box provides, because the vote of one person is as good as that of another, does not extend to most people's lives.

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