Best example sentences

Working on the reality principle, the boy knows that the best way to achieve gratification is to ask for permission to eat the cone.South America also has large deposits of gold, silver, zinc, chromium, manganese, bauxite, mica, platinum, asbestos and diamond.I tried my best not to let my eyes stray towards the rock.As competition forces the manufacturer to add value to his sales, he finds the best way to sell the product on lease.We learn by observing people, who are the best source of information about many social conventions.This example brings out one of the reason why democracy is considered the best form of government.The best friends of the groom/ bride meet before the wedding a few times, make posters, write speeches and organise contests.That is why democracy is considered the best form of government.They feel that they are unable to give their loved ones the best care that brand products appear to offer.Where should such reflex arc connections be made between the input nerve and the output nerve? The best place, of course, would be at the point where they first meet each other.It is the best technique for watering fruit plants, gardens and trees.Thyroxin regulates carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism in the body so as to provide the best balance for growth.But LED light sources are expensive, so CFLs are currently the best choice.They were cut off from the best grazing lands and forced to live within a semi-arid tract prone to frequent droughts.Take a moment and try to answer these questions : Can a tree be your 'best friend'? When it gets hot, or when it is crowded, do people become more aggressive? If rivers are said to be holy, why do people make them dirty? How can one remedy the traumatic effects of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami, or of a manmade disaster such as a poisonous gas leak in a factory? Compare two children who grow up in different physical environments, one in an environment filled with colourful toys, pictures and books, and the other in an environment that contains only the bare necessities of life.

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