Borrow example sentences

Almost all of the borrowers are women and belong to poorest sections of the society.These sources include borrowings from commercial banks, public deposits, lease financing and loans from financial institutions.Till a few years back, he would borrow money from the village moneylender at an interest rate of five per cent per month (60% per annum).While the depositors get higher interest rate than that offered by banks, the cost of deposits to the company is less than the cost of borrowings from banks.The word 'debenture' has been derived from a Latin word 'debere' which means to borrow.Both small and big businesses find it necessary to borrow money at one time or the other, and to purchase goods on credit.Issue of debentures, borrowing from commercial banks and financial institutions and accepting public deposits are some of the examples of external sources of funds commonly used by business organisations.Those who borrowed found it difficult to pay back their debts.A fixed rate of interest is paid by the borrowers on such funds.They will understand that borrowing today means higher taxes in the future.As a result banks use a greater (or smaller) proportion of their resources for giving out loans to borrowers or investors, thereby enhancing (or depressing) the multiplier process via assisting (or resisting) secondary money creation.Corporate undertakings have to borrow funds from banks and other financial institutions for different purposes.Property such as land titles, deposits with banks, livestock are some common examples of collateral used for borrowing.A share is a part of the owned capital whereas a debenture is a part of borrowed capital.Short-term borrowings offer the benefit of reduced cost due to reduction of idle capital, but long – term borrowings are considered a necessity on many grounds.

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