Brave example sentences

Each does its share of work intelligently and bravely, and never figurehts with other members of the group.“I haven't been brave,” said his disembodied computer-voice, the next afternoon.Growing up disabled, you get fed up with people asking you to be brave, as if you have a courage account on which you are too lazy to draw a cheque.At a more specific level, a person may have a very positive view of her/his athletic bravery, but a negative view of her/his academic talents.A far-seeing ruler like the brave Tipu of Mysore fought the British till he died figurehting! Thank God, there is peace in the country now! No more wars and no looting by thugs ! It is God who sent the British! Our destiny is linked with them! How did Indians react to these conquests? The Company's conquests (1757-1849) The white man has killed or dethroned our kings.Watching him, an embodiment of my bravest self, the one I was moving towards, the one I had believed in for so many years, alone, I knew that my journey was over.She looked like a brave soldier ready to figureht a treacherous enemy.Despite their brave defence, the Ahoms were defeated.

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