Brief example sentences

Some of the wellknown self-report measures are briefly described below.If he is properly briefed, he will not do such a thing again.On the one hand are the gifted and creative persons we discussed briefly earlier.It contained a brief note: Dear Dr Forsyth, The bearer of this note has been instructed to bring you to my office in London tonight.Muzzafarpur lawyers called on Gandhi to brief him; they frequently represented peasant groups in court; they told him about their cases and reported the size of their fee.The Bhopal gas tragedy also marked the moment in which 'environmental' issues became intrinsically linked to laws on the economy and the chapter briefly discusses this as well.[aside] It's awfully cold! What's the matter? [pause] Well? I shall try to be brief.Since social facilitation has been briefly discussed in Chapter 6, we would try to understand the phenomenon of social loafing in this section.Her marketing department also has to be briefed in time to prepare their promotional and advertising campaigns.' And I started, because I had quite forgotten that this most brilliant and completely paralysed astrophysicist the author of A Brief History of Time, one of the biggest best-sellers ever, lived here.The methology of working out the net cash flow (or use) from all the three activities for an accounting period has been explained in details and a brief format of Cash Flow Statement has also been given in Figureure However, while preparing a cash flow statement, full details of inflows and outflows are given under head including the net cash flow (or use) arise there from.We shall discuss briefly the role of light and temperature (both of them, the extrinsic factors) on initiation of flowering.The definition of buffer solutions, and their importance are discussed briefly.We will look briefly at some of the important political traditions of the nineteenth century, and see how they influenced change.That was the end of a brief and brilliant acting career the legal adviser, who was also a member of the Story Department, had unwittingly brought about that sad end.

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