Cake example sentences

Moreover, using dung cake too is being discouraged because it consumes most valuable manure which could be used in agriculture.Meanwhile Kavita looked around On the top left shelf there were different brands of detergent cakes.Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas as well as other festivals.The sources of air pollutants are factories (Figureure 1 2), power plants, automobile exhausts and burning of firewood and dung cakes.Cattle were suffocated to death, their lungs caked with dust and mud.With the exception of George, Harris is the worst packer in this world; and I looked at the piles of plates and cups, and kettles, and bottles, and jars, and pies, and stoves, and cakes, and tomatoes, etc.I've made you a nice Christmas cake, marzipan all around.Firewood and cattle dung cake are most common in rural India.Take a piece of yeast cake or yeast powder from a bakery or a chemist shop.Nobody knew exactly why Wanda sat in that seat, unless it was because she came all the way from Boggins Heights and her feet were usually caked with dry mud.Like so many of those who were close to The Boss, he was allowed to produce a film and though a lot of raw stock and pancake were used on it, not much came of the film.Conventional sources include: firewood, cattle dung cake, coal, petroleum, natural gas and electricity (both hydel and thermal).It improves the quality of manure and also prevents the loss of trees and manure due to burning of fuel wood and cow dung cakes.Pancake was the brand name of the make-up material that Gemini Studios bought in truck-loads.It is expected that use of solar energy will be able to minimise the dependence of rural households on firewood and dung cakes, which in turn will contribute to environmental conservation and adequate supply of manure in agriculture.

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