Cardinal example sentences

Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence and Hitler's Nazism are examples of cardinal traits.Anal stage, Archetypes, Cardinal traits, Central traits, Client-centred therapy, Collective unconscious, Defence mechanisms, Ego, Extraversion, Humanistic approach, Id, Ideal self, Inferiority complex, Introversion, Latency period, Libido, Metaneeds, Oedipus complex, Personal identity, Phallic stage, Projective techniques, Psychodynamic approach, Projection, Rationalisation, Reaction formation, Regression, Repression, Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, Self-regulation, Social identity, Superego, Trait approach, Type approach, Unconscious.Cardinal traits are highly generalised dispositions.In this case, relationship Credit has cardinality ratio of M:N between ouchers and Accounts(many vouchers are related to many accounts), While relationship Debit has cardinality ratio of N:1 (many vouchers refer to one account).The possible cardinality ratios are one to one (1:1),one to many(1:N),many to one(N:1), and many to many(N:M).Cardinality Ratios for binary relationship specifies the number of relationship instances that an entity can participate in.In PREP_BY binary relationship type, OUCHER:EMPLOYEE is of cardinality ratio N:1 implying thereby that a set of vouchers can be created by a particular employee.Allport, based on this, categorised traits into cardinal, central, and secondary.

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