Care example sentences

Social support is defined as the existence and availability of people on whom we can rely upon, people who let us know that they care about, value, and love us.They live closer to nature and very early in their lives have learnt to care for nature.We can do so by understanding each word in this definition carefully and spelling out the features of a democratic government.The departmental stores cater to the needs of relatively high income group of customers who care more for the services provided rather than the prices of the product.They have no access to healthcare when they fall ill.“I am going to be very careful not to waste paper,” said Jessy.Over the last five decades India has built up a vast health infrastructure and man power required at primary secondary and tertiary care in Government as well as in the private sector.“Do you realise what will happen if Comet Dutta collides with the Earth, as you predict it will?” “The effects will be catastrophic! That is why I have taken extra care to verify my calculations.It determines whether women can work outside the house and what kind of jobs and careers they can have.However, one should be careful in dealing with them, as the products they deal in are not always reliable in terms of quality and price.Think of a child who loses her/his parents at a young age with no one to take care of her/him; a young woman who loses her husband in a car accident; parents who bring up children who are physically or mentally challenged; young girls/boys who have to spend long nights in call centres and then catch up on their sleep during the day time.In this sector there is an absence of basic facilities like maternity leave, childcare and other social security systems.For example, a boss may instruct his subordinate, Take care of our guest .If you care for the nation then buy products that Indians produce.Nayudu, an outstanding Indian batsman of his time, lives on in the popular imagination when some of his great contemporaries like Palwankar ithal and Palwankar Baloo have been forgotten because his career lasted long enough for him to play Test cricket for India while theirs did not.

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