Centre example sentences

Anal stage, Archetypes, Cardinal traits, Central traits, Client-centred therapy, Collective unconscious, Defence mechanisms, Ego, Extraversion, Humanistic approach, Id, Ideal self, Inferiority complex, Introversion, Latency period, Libido, Metaneeds, Oedipus complex, Personal identity, Phallic stage, Projective techniques, Psychodynamic approach, Projection, Rationalisation, Reaction formation, Regression, Repression, Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, Self-regulation, Social identity, Superego, Trait approach, Type approach, Unconscious.The new Company trade centres, it was felt, should combine political, administrative and commercial roles.Standing at the centre of the circle observe the visible white portion of the ball while your friend stands at the points on the circle marked earlier.There are 12 such countries, namely Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Zaire, Madagascar, China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia in which these centres are located (Figureure 1 5).In the nineteenth century struggles for democracy often centred round political equality, freedom and justice.London in fact came to be known as a finishing centre.PS I has a 700 nm absorbing chlorophyll a P700 molecule at its reaction centre, while PS has a P680 reaction centre that absorbs red light at 680 nm.Click at label control in tool box and add it to the centre top of lefthand side of the Form to add the title: Transaction oucher.A profit centre is a segment of an organisation whose manager is responsible for both revenues and costs.What would a traveller visiting a medieval town expect to find? This would depend on what kind of a town it was a temple town, an administrative centre, a commercial town or a port town to name just some possibilities.The available options are: General, Left, Centre, Right and Distribute.It is slightly hilly at the centre, but otherwise remarkably flat.ibrations travel outwards from the epicentre as waves.Delhi during Shah Jahan's time was also an important centre of Sufi culture.In the light reaction the light energy is absorbed by the pigments present in the antenna, and funnelled to special chlorophyll a molecules called reaction centre chlorophylls.

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