Certainty example sentences

On the other hand, there may be uncertainty of business activities due to political unrest and threats to law and order.Every report is collection of related information for a particular need and purpose and must meet the twin objectives of reporting : one to reduce the level of uncertainty that is faced by a decision-maker; second to influence the behaviour (or positive actions) of the decision-maker.Risk is the uncertainty associated with an exposure to loss.Political uncertainty may create fear in the minds of investors.Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers! These are my last words and I have certainty that my sacrifice will not be in vain; I have certainty that, at the least, I will be a moral lesson to castigate felony, cowardice, and treason.This statement helps the users to ascertain the amount and certainty of cash flows to be generated by an enterprise.The excess of current assets over current liabilities provides a measure of safety margin available against uncertainty in realisation of current assets and flow of funds.For example, changes in government's economic policies, rapid technological developments, political uncertainty, changes in fashions and tastes of consumers and increased competition in the market — all influence the working of a business enterprise in important ways.This may be reflecting a generally pessimist attitude adopted by the accountants but is an important way of dealing with uncertainty and protecting the interests of creditors against an unwanted distribution of firm's assets.Although uncertainty and risk can be avoided, Equador has given the control over its money supply to the Central Bank of the US – the Federal Reserve – which will now be based on economic conditions in the US.There are certain expenses/losses which are related to the current accounting period but amount of which is not known with certainty because they are not yet incurred.We should remember that when we form a new relationship, we experience feelings of uncertainty and anxiety., are some of the examples of uncertainty which create risks for business because the outcome of these future events is not known in advance.Uncertainty of return refers to the lack of knowledge relating to the amount of money that the business is going to earn in a given period.It's distinguished characteristics are: an economic activity, production or procurement of goods and services, sale or exchange of goods and services for the satisfaction of human needs, dealings in goods and services on a regular basis, profit earning, uncertainty of return, and element of risk.

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