Chester example sentences

After the war, Manchester could never recapture its old position in the Indian market.When buyers saw 'MADE IN MANCHESTER' written in bold on the label, they were expected to feel confident about buying the cloth.Ahmedabad is often referred to as the 'Manchester of India'.She was in a nursing home now, he told me, Burlington House, on the Dorchester road, on the other side of town.Since the top men of The Hindu were taking the initiative, the surmise was that the poet was the editor of a daily but not from The Manchester Guardian or the London Times.They are unable to compete with the showy goods which Manchester sends in such profusion, and they have of late years emigrated in great numbers, chiefly to Berar, where as day labourers they are able to obtain wages …' Census Report of Central Provinces, 1872, quoted in Sumit Guha, 'The handloom industry in Central India, 1825-1950', The Indian Economic and Social History Review.' appears that twenty yeas ago, a brisk trade was carried on in the manufacture of cloth at Jahanabad, and Behar, which has in the former place entirely ceased, while in the latter the amount of manufacture is very limited, in consequence of the cheap and durable goods from Manchester with which the Native manufactures are unable to compete.Cotton weavers in India thus faced two problems at the same time: their export market collapsed, and the local market shrank, being glutted with Manchester imports.When Manchester industrialists began selling cloth in India, they put labels on the cloth bundles.By the end of the century, peasants were producing sugarcane, cotton, jute, wheat and several other crops for export, to feed the population of urban Europe and to supply the mills of Lancashire and Manchester in England.They pressurised the government to impose import duties on cotton textiles so that Manchester goods could sell in Britain without facing any competition from outside.When Indian businessmen began setting up industries in the late nineteenth century, they avoided competing with Manchester goods in the Indian market.Cotton textile industry in Manchester and Liverpool flourished due to the availability of good quality cotton from India.With British mills busy with war production to meet the needs of the army, Manchester imports into India declined.It is an important textile centre of Japan, also known as the 'Manchester of Japan'.

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