Chit example sentences

On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture, and the architectural styles of dome and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of our country.(He had been lucky to turn the tap the right way; on later occasions he would sometimes screw it up still tighter, chittering with irritation and disappointment at the tap's failure to cooperate.Its buildings were modelled on architectural forms first associated with royalty under Shah Jahan.The man cocked his head to one side, listening to the constant chittering, the rushing scurry of the shop.For instance, the central dome of the iceroy's Palace was copied from the Buddhist stupa at Sanchi, and the red sandstone and carved screens or jalis were borrowed from Mughal architecture.As a young apprentice architect, British poet and novelist Thomas Hardy once visited a parish to supervise the restoration of a church.(Remember the “Bangla dome” in Chapter 5?) This led to the evolution of the typical Bengali style in temple architecture.Engineering and architectural skills are an important part in construction industries.In the early 1890s, a young English architect named Herbert Baker went to South Africa in search of work.You pettifogger! All your people were like that! All of them! Never mind about my people! The Lomovs have all been honourable people, and not one has ever been tried for embezzlement, like your grandfather! You Lomovs have had lunacy in your family, all of you! All, all, all! Your grandfather was a drunkard, and your younger aunt, Nastasya Mihailovna, ran away with an architect, and so on.It is a new civilisation in growth, a blend of the best elements of East and West … It is to this great fact that the architecture of Delhi should bear testimony.Workers chit chating in a canteen about the behaviour of the superior, discussing about rumours that some employees are likely to be transferred are some examples of informal communications.It used some of the elements of ancient classical architecture that Baker later included in his plans of the Secretariat building in New Delhi.I was craning my neck trying to follow the hunt when suddenly I heard from my feet a distressed chitter of recognition and welcome, and Mij bounded on to my knee and began to nuzzle my face and my neck.After October 1917, this led to experiments in the arts and architecture.

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