Clause example sentences

The resultant records of query must satisfy the condition which is specified after WHERE clause.The group by clause is used in the SQL statement to enable grouping of records for creating summary query.The selected fields for sort order are shown after ORDER BY clause of SQL statement in which ascending order is the choice by default.The specified criteria result in a conditional expression, which is shown after the WHERE clause of SQL statement.Such tables or queries constitute the data sources shown after FROM clause of SQL statement.INNER : This Join clause is meant to display only exactly matching records between two data sources.Two tables are joined by specifying a JOIN clause based on a condition of Join.This process of selection constitutes the data items to be displayed by SELECT clause of SQL statement.This clause is meant to indicate the source of data in terms of tables or queries or a combination of both.Several rounds of thorough discussion took place on the Draft Constitution, clause by clause.If more than one value is to be compared with an attribute, the value set can be given in Where clause by specifying IN operator.This clause in SQL statement is used to provide the condition to restrict the records to be returned by query.The fields after GROUP BY clause constitute the basis of grouping for which summary results are obtained.This clause is used to specify the fields to display data or information.The GROUP BY clause is used for providing the basis of creating collection of data items on which these functions are to be applied.

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