Coarse example sentences

Amongst weavers some produced coarse cloth while others wove finer varieties.They are also known as coarse grains and can be grown on less fertile and sandy soils.Coarser cottons were produced in many countries, but the finer varieties often came from India.The coarser cloth was bought by the poor and its demand fluctuated violently.Though, these are known as coarse grains, they have very high nutritional value.They are loamy and silty in valley sides and coarse grained in the upper slopes.Moreover, as the procurement is concentrated in a few prosperous regions (Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and to a lesser extent in West Bengal) and mainly of two crops wheat and rice increase in MSP has induced farmers, particularly in surplus states, to divert land from production of coarse grains, which is the staple food of the poor, to the production of rice and wheat.In the upper reaches of the river valley i.e. near the place of the break of slope, the soils are coarse.Nor did the textile manufacturers in Britain produce the very coarse cloths used by the poor people in India.The Saliya weavers of Thanjavur and the nearby town of Uraiyur are busy producing cloth for flags to be used in the temple festival, fine cottons for the king and nobility and coarse cotton for the masses.They made and sold wares such as ropes, reeds, straw matting and coarse sacks.Since yarn was not an important part of British imports into India, the early cotton mills in India produced coarse cotton yarn (thread) rather than fabric.

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