Consequence example sentences

Freud's theory considers the sources and consequences of emotional conflicts and the way people deal with these.Suppose one of the fielders in a cricket team drops an important catch during a match — this will have consequence for the entire team.How are we able to feed our huge cattle population on this pasture land and what are the consequences of it? Most of the other than the current fallow lands are either of poor quality or the cost of cultivation of such land is very high.Another form of influence is seen in the emotional reactions to pollution which, in turn, create discomfort, and have consequences such as decreased work efficiency, lowered interest in the job, and increase in anxiety level.I spent the rest of the night working out the consequences of the hypothesis.At that time, the US dollar was the main component in the currency reserves of the rest of the world, and those reserves had been expanding as a consequence of the US running a continued balance of payments deficit (other countries were willing to hold those dollars as a reserve asset because they were committed to maintain convertibility between their currency and the dollar).The generation of heat in a conductor is an inevitable consequence of electric current.Many within the Party criticised the confusion in industrial production under the Planned Economy and the consequences of collectivisation.Self-esteem and self-efficacy are two very important aspects of behaviour, which have far-reaching consequences in our life.A person who believes that s/he can control the onset of a negative situation, or its adverse consequences, will experience less amount of stress than those who have no such sense of personal control.Aggression is an expression, and consequence of frustration, i.e. an emotional state that arises when a person is prevented from reaching a goal, or attaining an object that s/he wants.If the viewers were children, they tended to imitate what they saw; they were not mature enough to think of the consequences of such behaviour.We will also learn how the periodic classification follows as a logical consequence of the electronic configureuration of atoms.These daily hassles may sometimes have devastating consequences for the individual who is often the one coping alone with them as others may not even be aware of them as outsiders.Children prepared a few pictures to show the consequences of such an event.

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