Consign example sentences

Bank certificate of payment is a certificate which says that the necessary documents (including bill of exchange) relating to the particular export consignment has been negotiated (i.e., presented to the importer for payment) and the payment has been received in accordance with the exchange control regulations.Many Indians became junior players in this trade, providing finance, procuring supplies, and shipping consignments.Export Inspection Council of India (EICI) is one such agency which carries out such inspections and issues the certificate that the consignment has been inspected as required under the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963, and satisfies the conditions relating to quality control and inspection as applicable to it, and is export worthy.The documents giving title to the export consignment are passed on to the importer only when the importer accepts the order contained in the bill of exchange.Bank certificate of payment is a certificate that the necessary documents (including bill of exchange) relating to the particular export consignment has been negotiated (i.e., presented to the importer for payment) and the payment has been received in accordance with the exchange control regulations.The documents giving title to the export consignment are passed on to the importer only when the importer accepts the order contained in the bill of exchange.

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