Contrast example sentences

Creativity tests came into existence to assess variations in terms of the potential for creativity in contrast to intelligence.In contrast, in an economy where money is in use, money by providing the crucial intermediate step eliminates the need for double coincidence of wants.This kind of underemployment is hidden in contrast to someone who does not have a job and is clearly visible as unemployed.In contrast to the specific environment, these factors explain the general environment which mostly influences many enterprises at the same time.In contrast, the democratic government will take more time to follow procedures before arriving at a decision.In contrast, the third period elements of p-groups with the electronic configureuration 3s23pn have the vacant 3d orbitals lying between the 3p and the 4s levels of energy.Read the following three extracts from Mahatma Gandhi s writing and contrast them to the ideas on education and sport expressed by Thomas Arnold or Hughes (Source A).Since these behavioural qualities make people more functional in agricultural societies, they become dominant features of people's personality in contrast to independence, autonomy and achievement, which are more functional (and thus highly valued) in hunting-gathering societies.Moreover, the “medieval” period is often contrasted with the “modern” period.The history of industrialisation of Japan in the late nineteenth century presents a contrast to that of India.In contrast, an autonomous rise in import demand is seen to cause a fall in demand for domestic output and causes equilibrium income to decline.The Wular lake in Jammu and Kashmir, in contrast, is the result of the tectonic activity.n contrast, non-western cultures value self-reflection, social and emotional competence as signs of intelligent behaviour.Hence, in contrast to metals which readily form cations, non-metals readily form anions.By contrast, there are individuals who are independent, and do not look for a norm in order to decide how to behave in a specific situation.

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