Corruption example sentences

“That government, we hope, would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make figurehting corruption and black money a top priority.Democracy is all about chaos, instability, corruption and hypocrisy.It can divert attention from other pressing issues like poverty, development and corruption.The routine tales of corruption are enough to convince us that democracy is not free of this evil.“Ma'am, what I meant is that there should be strict laws to curb corruption and wrong practices like appeals to caste and community.Aren't these mean politicians responsible for all the problems in our country? I mean corruption, defection, casteism, communal violence, criminality… everything.Some people in a town may come together to form an association to campaign against corruption or pollution.That alone can remove corruption and poverty from this country.Democracy leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.Written in the local language, Bundeli, this eight-page newspaper reports on Dalit issues and cases of violence against women and political corruption.Revelations of widespread corruption and mismanagement in the government made matters worse for the rulers.The corruption of the politician is more visible and we get the impression that all politicians are corrupt.In substantive terms it may be reasonable to expect from democracy a government that is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and is largely free of corruption.Such a law helps to control corruption and supplements the existing laws that banned corruption and imposed strict penalties.

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