Council example sentences

It means that the Council cannot take a decision if any permanent member says no to that decision.It is obligatory for every exporter to get registered with the appropriate export promotion council.The war against Iraq was not authorised by the UN Security Council.Establishment of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), agricultural universities, veterinary services and animal breeding centres, horticulture development, research and development in the field of meteorology and weather forecast, etc.The elders formed the ruling group and met in periodic councils to decide on the affairs of the community and settle disputes.Usually the Cabinet Ministers meet to take decisions in the name of the Council of Ministers.Similarly, lawyers are engaged in the legal profession, governed by the Bar Council of India and Chartered Accountants belong to the accounting profession and are subject to the regulations of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.The consumer movement in India has led to the formation of various organisations locally known as consumer forums or consumer protection councils.arious export promotion councils such as Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) and Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) have been set up by the Government of India to promote and develop exports of different categories of products.The exporter then proceeds with the production or procurement of the goods and gets them inspected from Export Inspection Council.In their answers to the second question, some said that the people most necessary to the king were his councillors; others said, the priests.These things could not wait for the decision of the council.The Council has five permanent members – US, Russia, UK, France and China.We shall discuss about export promotion councils in a later section.Most importantly, the Lok Sabha controls the Council of Ministers.

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