Criticise example sentences

There is a law that limits the right to criticise the President.You are free to criticise the government or the activities of the association in your conversations with parents, friends and relatives.One of the major issues taken up by the liberal-nationalists, who criticised the new conservative order, was freedom of the press.Some of the social reformers we have been discussing also criticised caste inequalities.No minister can openly criticise any decision of the government, even if it is about another Ministry or Department.It is difficult to reform politics if ordinary citizens do not take part in it and simply criticise it from the outside.The person will be praised if the performance is good (reward), or criticised if it is bad (punishment).” A number of religious groups that emerged during this period criticised the ritual and other aspects of conventional religion and the social order, using simple, logical arguments.The secret police (called the Cheka first, and later OGPU and NK D) punished those who criticised the Bolsheviks.Romantic artists and poets generally criticised the glorification of reason and science and focused instead on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings.Media largely ignored the activities of opposition political parties except to criticise them.Happyland is not a democratic country because people cannot criticise the ruler.Indians used the novel as a powerful medium to criticise what they considered defects in their society and to suggest remedies.He often bitterly criticised Mahatma Gandhi and his vision.Many within the Party criticised the confusion in industrial production under the Planned Economy and the consequences of collectivisation.

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