Crowd example sentences

If there was such a likeness as the crowd proclaimed, Ernest could not recognise it.The crowd stands up whenever a passing vehicle comes that way.An expectant crowd sitting for the past five hours in a chowk of the town is waiting for its leader to come.His favourite writer was Thomas Hardy, his favourite book Far from the Madding Crowd.Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.Some of these research investigations of crowding have been conducted in the psychology laboratory, but many more have been carried out in commonly encountered settings such as households, offices, traffic, public transport such as autorickshaw, cinema halls, etc.Such big, bright-looking shops! What glittering displays of clothes and other merchandise! Such big crowds! Struck dumb with wonder, alli gaped at everything.Crowding and high density may lead to abnormal behaviour and aggression.Soldiers stood on guard, flags waved and the crowd roared.Arriving home he found another crowd gathered under a pandal.These negative effects are seen to a smaller extent in people who are used to crowded surroundings.There is neither any structure nor feeling of belongingness in a crowd.It was such a change from the usual collection of crowd players waiting to be slapped with thick layers of make-up by the office-boy in the make-up department.There was hardly any crowd on the street but when James looked up from his window a star-studded night sky greeted him.When the ball went into the crowd, the crowd cleared a way for the fieldsman to retrieve it.

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