Crystal example sentences

The materials of rocks chemically alter and recrystallise due to thermal metamorphism.In contact metamorphism the rocks come in contact with hot intruding magma and lava and the rock materials recrystallise under high temperatures.These soils develop a reddish colour due to diffusion of iron in crystalline and metamorphic rocks.In regional metamorphism, rocks undergo recrystallisation due to deformation caused by tectonic shearing together with high temperature or pressure or both.Fill nearly half of the measuring cylinder-1 with coloured water (for this purpose add a crystal of potassium permanganate to water) and keep second cylinder (number 2) empty.The level of understanding of receiver should be crystal clear to the communicator.Orthoboric acid, H3BO3 is a white crystalline solid, with soapy touch.If we make a thick sugar syrup solution by dissolving sugar at a higher temperature, sugar crystals separate out if we cool the syrup to the room temperature.The entire crystal may be considered as giant molecule in which eight membered rings are formed with alternate silicon and oxygen atoms.Skoog and Miller, later identified and crystallised the cytokinesis promoting active substance that they termed kinetin.The ionic radii can be estimated by measuring the distances between cations and anions in ionic crystals.It is usually a greenish crystal, often found in basaltic rocks.When magma cools, crystals of minerals appear and a systematic series of minerals are formed in sequence to solidify so as to form rocks.Fill nearly half of the measuring cylinder-1 with coloured water (for this purpose add a crystal of potassium permanganate to water) and keep second cylinder (number 2) empty.Carbon exhibits many allotropic forms; both crystalline as well as amorphous.

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