Cultivation example sentences

Tea cultivation is an example of plantation agriculture.Primitive subsistence agriculture includes shifting cultivation and nomadic herding.When the soil fertility decreases, the farmers shift and clear a fresh patch of land for cultivation.Shyamal tells us that every season he needs loans for cultivation on his 5 acres of land.Since 1960 in Palampur, there has been no expansion in land area under cultivation.Krishak Cooperative provides loans for the purchase of agricultural implements, loans for cultivation and agricultural trade, fishery loans, loans for construction of houses and for a variety of other expenses.Third, the cultivation of opium was a difficult process.Intially its cultivation was introduced on the Baba Budan Hills and even today its cultivation is confined to the Nilgiri in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.I have made many enquires on the subject and the impression left on my mind is that cultivation of the poppy is considered a curse by the people and that only by undue authority is it upheld … The cultivation was introduced at the request, nay I may say, at the command of the Collector; … The people tell me, they are ill used and abused and even beaten by the chuprassies … The people almost uniformly told, they suffered loss from poppy …' From Benoy Chowdhury, Growth of Commercial Agriculture in Bengal.By the early twentieth century, farmers in the Great Plains were breaking the ground with tractors and disk ploughs, clearing vast stretches for wheat cultivation.At the beginning of the cropping season, Swapna had borrowed Rs 2,500 from the trader at a very high interest rate to buy seeds, fertilisers, pesticides for cultivation.Work on the fields: Wheat crop— ploughing by bullocks, sowing, spraying of insecticides, cultivation by traditional method, cultivation by modern method, and cutting of crops.So expansion of cultivation inevitably meant the decline of pastures and a problem for pastoralists.Scientific methods of cultivation and use of tractors, harvesters and combines has made North America a surplus food producer.A variety of food and non food crops are grown in different parts of the country depending upon the variations in soil, climate and cultivation practices.

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