Curse example sentences

Everyone agrees that poverty is a curse on society, and the more quickly we get rid of it, the better it will be for society.Oh, what a burden, Lord, to be the father of a grown-up daughter! I'll cut my throat I will, indeed! We cursed him, abused him, drove him out; and it's all you.I have made many enquires on the subject and the impression left on my mind is that cultivation of the poppy is considered a curse by the people and that only by undue authority is it upheld … The cultivation was introduced at the request, nay I may say, at the command of the Collector; … The people tell me, they are ill used and abused and even beaten by the chuprassies … The people almost uniformly told, they suffered loss from poppy …' From Benoy Chowdhury, Growth of Commercial Agriculture in Bengal.There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of the intoxicating drinks and drugs.To get somebody to stumble over him, and curse him steadily for an hour, is his highest aim and object; and, when he has succeeded in accomplishing this, his conceit becomes quite unbearable.

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