Dare example sentences

[Quickly steps to the carafe and drinks more water] Oxen Meadows are mine! not true! I'll prove it! I'll send my mowers out to the Meadows this very day! What? My mowers will be there this very day! I'll give it to them in the neck! You dare! [Clutches at his heart] Oxen Meadows are mine! You understand? Mine! Please don't shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself! If it wasn't, madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn't upset, I'd talk to you in a different way! [Yells] Oxen Meadows are mine! But, please, Stepan Stepanovitch, how can they be yours? Do be a reasonable man! My aunt's grandmother gave the Meadows for the temporary and free use of your grandfather's peasants.“I dare say they do,” said the King, “but it reminds me too much of my Councillors.He realised, of course, that at first he dared not continue on the public highway, but must turn off the road, into the woods.When the school bell rang, all the girls scurried out of the classroom, but Bholi dared not leave her corner.

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