Debt example sentences

Current assets include cash in hand, bank balance, debtors, bills receivable, stock, prepaid expenses, accrued income, and short-term investments (marketable securities).It may be noted that Debt Ratio can also be computed in relation to total assets.The burden of debt must be discussed keeping in mind that what is true of one small trader's debt may not be true for the government's debt, and one must deal with the 'whole' differently from the 'part'.Bond is also an instrument of acknowledgement of debt.The figureures of various accounts such as cash in hand, cash at bank, bills receivable, sundry debtors, fixed assets, etc.One is whether government debt is a burden and two, the issue of financing the debt.Debenture is a written instrument acknowledging a debt under the common seal of the company.The concepts of deficits and debt are closely related.The actual debt could be paid off by the growth in output.It needs to be noted that debtors should be taken before making any provision for doubtful debts.This is an example of what is commonly called debt-trap.Debenture is a written instrument acknowledging a debt under the common seal of the company.This ratio can also be computed in relation to total assets in lead of net assets (capital employed) It may be noted that the total of Debt Ratio and Proprietory Ratio will be equal to This ratio measures the extent of the coverage of long-term debt by assets.The finances raised through debentures are also known as long-term debt.The growth in debt will have to be judged by the growth of the economy as a whole.

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