Dependent example sentences

India entered the world of Test cricket in 1932, a decade and a half before it became an independent nation.We can simplify equilibrium expressions for the heterogeneous equilibria involving a pure liquid or a pure solid, as the molar concentration of a pure solid or liquid is constant (i.e., independent of the amount present).The effect of particulate pollutants are largely dependent on the particle size.In Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, published in 1874, young Jane is shown as independent and assertive.There are plants for which flowering is either quantitatively or qualitatively dependent on exposure to low temperature.The population pyramid also tells us how many dependents there are in a country.t consists of 8 independent subtests: erbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Clerical Speed and Accuracy, Mechanical Reasoning, Space Relations, Spelling, and Language Usage.Two or more attributes may be related in such a way that one or more becomes basic while the other becomes dependent on that basic attribute.Independent candidates too have their own symbols, allotted by election officials.There are several groups that work independently and network with each other to achieve their goal.Although the development of people with mild retardation is typically slower than that of their peers, they can function quite independently, hold jobs and families.Their child socialisation practices are also aimed at making children independent (do many things without help from elders), autonomous (take several decisions for themselves), and achievement-oriented (accept risks and challenges such as those involved in hunting) from an early age of life.olume of water in a pond, for example, is a state function, because change in volume of its water is independent of the route by which water is filled in the pond, either by rain or by tubewell or by both.Bryophytes are also called amphibians of the plant kingdom because these plants can live in soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction.Candidates and parties with a lot of money may not be sure of their victory but they do enjoy a big and unfair advantage over smaller parties and independents.

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