Deterioration example sentences

This concept of biological resources is responsible for the deterioration of biodiversity.Another aspect of wear and tear is the physical deterioration.It also results in a deterioration of the trade balance.The storage of massive food stocks has been responsible for high carrying costs, in addition to wastage and deterioration in grain quality.Green chemistry is a production process that would bring about minimum pollution or deterioration to the environment.But overexploitation of soil and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides have resulted in the deterioration of soil, water and air.This in turn created a further shortage of forage for animals and the deterioration of animal stock.We call it a deterioration in the purchasing power of money.The solution of this problem does not lie in stopping the process of development that has been set in; but to discover methods, which would help in the reduction of deterioration of the environment.Continuous grazing within a small area inevitably meant a deterioration of the quality of pastures.Wear and tear means deterioration, and the consequent diminution in an assets value, arising from its use in business operations for earning revenue.

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