Developed example sentences

It can also align with other developing countries with similar interests to figureht against the domination of developed countries in the WTO.Freud developed psychodynamic approach and discussed personality in terms of a constant conflict between our internal forces, called id, ego, and superego.During the week the two had developed considerable affinity for each other.Do you not see rapid industrialisation as a time of progress and modernity? Do you not think that the spread of railways and factories, and construction of high-rise buildings and bridges is a sign of society's development? How have these images developed? And how do we relate to these ideas? Is industrialisation always based on rapid technological development? Can we today continue to glorify continuous mechanisation of all work? What has industrialisation meant to people's lives? To answer such questions we need to turn to the history of industrialisation.Started at the initiative of the developed countries, WTO establishes rules regarding international trade, and sees that these rules are obeyed.At the same time, they retained and developed their distinctive characteristics.Ramanuja's doctrine greatly inspired the new strand of bhakti which developed in north India subsequently.It opened new horizon for him, provided new aspiration and developed values of life.Well developed road and railway network permits easy transportation of textiles to different parts of the country, thus providing easy access to the market.Subsequently, it developed in two traditions or gharanas: one in the courts of Rajasthan (Jaipur) and the other in Lucknow.Freud developed a therapeutic procedure, called psychoanalysis.The main objectives behind setting up this international organisation were to aid the task of reconstruction of the war-affected economies of Europe and assist in the development of the underdeveloped nations of the world.The general trend of international migrations is from the less developed nations to the more developed nations in search of better employment opportunities.This requires proper analysis and interpretation of such information for which a number of techniques (tools) have been developed by financial experts.When the existing 'human resource' is further developed by becoming more educated and healthy, we call it 'human capital formation' that adds to the productive power of the country just like 'physical capital formation'.

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