Difficulty example sentences

A challenge is a difficulty that carries within it an opportunity for progress.There could be some difficulty in deciding on who is more experienced or knowledgable.Have you ever observed while bathing that foam is formed with difficulty and an insoluble substance (scum) remains after washing with water? This is caused by the reaction of soap with the calcium and magnesium salts, which cause the hardness of water.They complained of the insolence of labourers, their drinking habits, and the difficulty of making them work.But the difficulty is that GAAP permit a variety of alternative treatments for the same item.They have difficulty in varying standards according to factors such as time available, consequences of not being able to stop work, and the effort needed.I am constantly filled with wonder at the number of things that other people do without any evident difficulty that are pretty much beyond me.During the first hours this caused him no difficulty.Children with SAD may have difficulty being in a room by themselves, going to school alone, are fearful of entering new situations, and cling to and shadow their parents' every move.They attribute failure to external factors, such as bad luck, the difficulty of the task, and so on.They find it difficult to wait or take turns, have difficulty resisting immediate temptations or delaying gratification.There is a greater risk when earnings of the company fluctuate; In case of redeemable debentures, the company has to make provisions for repayment on the specified date, even during periods of financial difficulty.What do they lack? Some psychologists believe that the source of their difficulty may be a lack of emotional intelligence.But then why do we need definitions at all? We need a definition only when we come across a difficulty in the use of a word.When he pulled hard on his chain, I had difficulty in keeping up with him.

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