Disappeared example sentences

Yet caste has not disappeared from contemporary India.In the evening, when the Christmas tree was lighted, they woke him up again, and he stood for a while in the drawing room, blinking as though the candlelight hurt him, but after that he disappeared again.His wealth, which was the body and spirit of his existence, had disappeared before his death.The open fields disappeared, and the customary rights of peasants were undermined.The sun disappeared behind the hills, and soon darkness enveloped the grass, the flowers and the trees.As pasturelands disappeared under the plough, the existing animal stock had to feed on whatever grazing land remained.Whenever one of his goats disappeared, Abbu Khan was very sad.In times of bad harvests and famines, when the rural poor had little to eat, and their cash income disappeared, they could not possibly buy cloth.For example, for several months in late 1990 and early 1991 several Sterling deliveries disappeared in transit.The deep jungles of the foothills comprising sal and teak slowly disappeared.

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