Distinction example sentences

In this context, a distinction can be made between the natural environment and the built environment.He had the distinction of being the only member of the party to have bagged any game, dead or alive.In the context of poverty, discrimination refers to the behaviour that makes a distinction between the rich and the poor, favouring the rich and the advantaged over the poor and the disadvantaged.It worked to abolish caste distinctions and promote widow remarriage and women's education.It allowed us to make a clear distinction between democratic and non-democratic regimes.A major distinction between domestic and international operations is the complexity of the latter.This distinction is relevant because the errors which do not affect the trial balance usually take place in two accounts in such a manner that it can be easily rectified through a journal entry whereas the errors which affect the trial balance usually affect one account and a journal entry is not possible for rectification unless a suspense account has been opened.Second, a new distinction between the wealthy and poor pastoralists developed.No distinction is made in receipts/payments made in cash or through bank.In thermodynamics, a distinction is made between extensive properties and intensive properties.The object of these associations was to uphold caste distinctions as a cornerstone of Hinduism, and show how this was sanctified by scriptures.A distinction is made between 'personal' and 'social' self.One major distinction between the two is that while the former is used in connection with production and marketing of goods, the term franchising applies to service business.No distinction is made in receipts/payments made in cash or through bank.By gender, then, we mean the many social values and stereotypes our cultures attach to the biological distinction 'male' and 'female'.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English