Doctor example sentences

He not only forgave him but said he would send his servants and his own doctor to look after him, and he promised to give back the man his property.” “Did you see the snake the next day, doctor?” The doctor laughed, “I've never seen it since.One day the doctor took Sue aside and asked her, ”Is anything worrying Johnsy?” “No,” replied Sue.Do you remember a little reference made earlier to General Bachelet's daughter who was imprisoned and tortured along with her mother? That girl, Michelle Bachelet (pronounced Mishel Bashelet), was elected President of Chile in January 200 A medical doctor and a moderate socialist, Michelle became the first woman to be a Defence Minister in Latin America.You may have observed how some people are quick to seek doctor's help while others do not if they are suffering from such symptoms as nausea, cold, diarrhoea, smallpox, etc.Similarly, if we are to improve the health situation, we need many more doctors, nurses, health workers etc.All doctors, for example, take the oath of ethical practice at the time they enter the profession.Have you consciously adopted an informal approach or is it something that just came naturally to you? When I presented my first Doctoral dissertation in Italy, one of the Professors said, “Scholars learn a lot of a certain subject, then they make a lot of false hypotheses, then they correct them and at the end, they put the conclusions.One may not seek doctor's help for a cold if one attributes it to eating curd or for leprosy or smallpox if these are attributed to God's annoyance.” The doctor replied, “I ran and ran till I reached a friend's house.Unlike professions such as medicine or law which require a practicing doctor or lawyer to possess valid degrees, nowhere in the world is it mandatory for a manager to possess any such specific degree.Didn't his doctor tell him to take special precautions against the cold? But he wouldn't remember to put on a sweater even if it was lying on his bedside chair! How could he when Dibya had put her spell on him? She picked up the white woollen pullover, wrapped herself in a shawl and made her way to the roof, to break up his tete-a-tete with Dibya.We listened attentively as the doctor continued with his tale.I was after all a bachelor, and a doctor too on top of it! Again came that noise from above.[Falls into an armchair] A doctor! Boy! Milksop! Fool! I'm sick! [Drinks water] Sick! What sort of a hunter are you? You can't even sit on a horse! [To her father] Papa, what's the matter with him? Papa! Look, Papa! [screams] Ivan assilevitch! He's dead! I'm sick! I can't breathe! Air! He's dead.

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