Drag example sentences

During the time of Chandragupta Maurya, dams, lakes and irrigation systems were extensively built.If the auto order is not correct, the tab order can be set manually by clicking the row selector for a control and then dragging the control up or down into position in the Tab Order.All the good things that are offered to you are nothing but cheese rinds and bits of pork, set out to drag a poor fellow into trouble.“Even if we get organised, we are the ones who will be hauled up by the police, beaten and dragged to jail for doing something illegal,” they say.The python, who had been quietly following Golu, came to the bank and said, “If you do not pull as hard as you can, the crocodile will drag you into the stream.The size of every section or report structure component is increased or decreased by dragging section bars up or down using a mouse.” He muttered something inaudible and dragged himself round in his chair.The oucher number column in grid can be hidden by merging its right most vertical line with vertical line separating narration and voucher number column by drag and drop method.Accounting practices in India could be traced back to a period when twenty three centuries ago, Kautilya, a minister in Chandragupta's kingdom wrote a book named Arthashasthra, which also described how accounting records had to be maintained.As the war dragged on for several years, TISCO had to produce shells and carriage wheels for the war.Press at the selected field s area and drag all the fields to left side of blank Form on which data entry contents of voucher are to be located.” “You do believe me now, don't you?” He dragged his jacket, which was shiny and shapeless, from the back of the chair and pushed his arms into it.Paste it by horizontal and vertical dragging to give suitable width and height.They do not like the idea of being dragged into unhealthy competition.Drag and drop the selected fields to Detail section.

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