Effort example sentences

Through their efforts quality of output is maintained, wastage of materials is minimised and safety standards are maintained.Have you ever wondered about the efforts the miners make in making life comfortable for you? What are the impacts of mining on the health of the miners and the environment.Management aims at guiding their efforts towards achieving a common objective a goal.Would her stammering tongue again disgrace her? For the sake of this kind woman, however, she decided to make an effort.This provides the requisite amount, quality, timing and sequence of efforts which ensures that planned objectives are achieved with a minimum of conflict.In 1833 he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy movement and participated in a republican uprising in Piedmont in 183 The uprising was suppressed and Garibaldi had to flee to South America, where he lived in exile till 184 In 1854, he supported ictor Emmanuel in his efforts to unify the Italian states.The Pepsi Cola controversy raises an interesting question: Why are soft drinks giants, Coca-Cola and Pepsico putting in so much effort on publicity campaigns in India after the decline in their sales? The answer lies in the fact that their success is dependent not merely on their internal management, but also on many external forces as, for example, decisions and actions of governments, consumers, other business firms and even non-government organisations (NGOs) like CSE.All efforts made during this decade aim to reduce by half the number of people who do not have access to safe drinking water.However, whenever qualitative standards are set, an effort must be made to define them in a manner that would make their measurement easier.The Chipko Andolan ('Hug the Trees Movement') was the result of a grassroot level effort to end the alienation of people from their forests.Management unites the efforts of different individuals in the organisation towards achieving these goals.A concerted effort has to be made in order to use our mineral resources in a planned and sustainable manner.As if the seller has no responsibility once a sale is completed! The consumer movement, as we shall discuss later, is an effort to change this situation.Social loafing may be reduced by: Making the efforts of each person identifiable.Often, poems, songs and stories can also inspire us and make us believe strongly in an issue and influence our efforts to correct the situation.

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