Elementary example sentences

“Sarva Siksha Abhiyan is a significant step towards providing elementary education to all children in the age group of six to fourteen years by 2010 .Running proper schools and providing quality education, particularly elementary education, is the duty of the government.This would be possible mainly due to higher economic growth, increasing stress on universal free elementary education, declining population growth, increasing empowerment of the women and the economically weaker sections of society.It is a time bound initiative of the central Government, in partnership with the states, the local Government and the community for achieving the goal of universalisation of elementary education.According to him, while elementary mental functions (e.g., crying, attending to mother s voice, sensitivity to smells, walking, and running) are universal, the manner in which higher mental functions such as problem solving and thinking operate are largely culture-produced.All this is of course futile on my part to explain — you and the likes of you never read even the elementary books on Science.Sometimes elementary algebra will be used in the treatment for introducing the reader to some rigour.There is a provision made for providing universal access, retention and quality in elementary education with a special emphasis on girls.” Along with it, bridge courses and back-to-school camps have been initiated to increase the enrollment in elementary education.

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