Embryo example sentences

Hence, each of the cells of an embryo-sac is haploid.Following fertilisation, the zygote develops into embryo and the ovules into seeds.The zygote develops into an embryo (with one or two cotyledons) and the PEN develops into endosperm which provides nourishment to the developing embryo.Fruit is the mature ovary whereas ovule develops into a seed, which contains the developing embryo.Within the ovule is the female gametophyte or embryo sac which contains the egg cell.Within ovules are present highly reduced female gametophytes termed embryosacs.The development of the zygotes into young embryos take place within the female gametophytes.As against this, natural classification systems developed, which were based on natural affinities among the organisms and consider, not only the external features, but also internal features, like ultrastructure, anatomy, embryology and phytochemistry.Each embryo-sac has a three-celled egg apparatus – one egg cell and two synergids, three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei.Following fertilisation, zygote develops into an embryo and the ovules into seeds.The pollen tube enters the embryo-sac where two male gametes are discharged.The seed contains an embryo enclosed in a protective seed coat.The pollen tubes enter the embryo-sac where two male gametes are discharged.

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