Establish example sentences

The English helped the Protestants of Ireland to establish their dominance over a largely Catholic country.Farida spoke about establishment of democratic governments within different countries in the world today.Started at the initiative of the developed countries, WTO establishes rules regarding international trade, and sees that these rules are obeyed.These institutions are established by the central as well as state governments.Phule dedicated his book to all those Americans who had fought to free slaves, thus establishing a link between the conditions of the “lower” castes in India and the black slaves in America.Some of these handloom weavers also found work in the new cotton mills that were established in Bombay (now Mumbai), Ahmedabad, Sholapur, Nagpur and Kanpur.A joint venture means establishing a firm that is jointly owned by two or more otherwise independent firms.Ratio analysis offers many advantages including enabling financial statement analysis, helping understand efficacy of decisions, simplifying complex figureures and establish relationships, being helpful in comparative analysis, identification of problem areas, enables SWOT analysis, and allows various comparisons.You will see how they established control over the economy and society, collected revenue to meet all their expenses, bought the goods they wanted at low prices, produced crops they needed for export, and you will understand the changes that came about as a consequence.Existing democracies should directly intervene in countries that are non-democratic to establish democracy there.It is during these early months that people's basic feelings about the world are established.The establishment of the Parsi Gymkhana became a precedent for other Indians who in turn established clubs based on the idea of religious community.Established in Madras (Chennai) in 1864, the eda Samaj was inspired by the Brahmo Samaj.These challenges exist not just in India but also in many established democracies.For example, the Governor of the Bombay Presidency while dealing with an application from the Islam Gymkhana for land on Bombay s seafront wrote: we can be certain that in a short time we shall get a similar application from some Hindu Gymkhana I don t see how we are to refuse these applicants; but I will refuse any more grants once a Gymkhana has been established by each nationality .

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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