Evident example sentences

The man was evidently used to sleeping with one eye open.Difference between the Receipt and Payment Account and the Income and Expenditure Account: Many differences exist between the Receipt and Payment Account and the Income and Expenditure Account which is evident from the nature and purpose of two statements.The link between the balance of payments accounts and the transactions in the foreign exchange market is evident when we recognise that all expenditures by domestic residents on foreign goods, services and assets and all foreign transfer payments (debits in the BoP accounts) also represent demand for foreign exchange.As problems encountered by individuals as well as societies have become more evident and acute, psychologists have responded with concrete solutions.As evident from figureure 1, the left side of the cash book shows the receipts of the cash whereas the right side of the cash book shows all the payments made in cash.It is evident from the experiments 1, 2, 3 and 4 that number of moles of dihydrogen reacted = number of moles of iodine reacted = ½ (number of moles of HI formed).The close connection between the state and bankers – noticeable in Hyderabad and Awadh as well – was evident in Bengal under the rule of Alivardi Khan (r.Many differences exist between the Receipt and Payment Account and the Income and Expenditure Account which is evident from the nature and purpose of two statements.But when he opened it, it was evident that to answer it he needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper.Macroeconomics shows two simple characteristics that are evident in dealing with the situations we have just listed.These rivalries were very evident in the way the Balkan problem unfolded.It is also evident from Table 1 that the total amount of deposits held by all commercial banks in the country is much larger than the total size of their reserves.I am constantly filled with wonder at the number of things that other people do without any evident difficulty that are pretty much beyond me.As evident from the example, the amount of depreciation goes on reducing year after year.The internalising disorders, or overcontrolled problems, are those conditions where the child experiences depression, anxiety, and discomfort that may not be evident to others.

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