Executive example sentences

If any act of the Legislature or the Executive takes away or limits any of the Fundamental Rights it will be invalid.Top Management: They consists of the senior-most executives of the organisation by whatever name they are called.Fundamental Rights are guaranteed against the actions of the Legislatures, the Executive, and any other authorities instituted by the government.Presidents all over the world are not always nominal executives like the President of India.In Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf led a miliary coup in October 199 He overthrew a democratically elected government and declared himself the 'Chief Executive' of the country.This is called the permanent executive or civil services.One that is elected by the people for a specific period, is called the political executive.As we noted last year, the big policy decisions are taken by political executive that comes from the political parties.These officers work under political executive and assist them in carrying out the day-to-day administration.Internal users include: Chief Executive, Financial Officer, ice President, Business Unit Managers, Plant Managers, Store Managers, Line Supervisors, etc.In a democratic country, two categories make up the executive.Thus, when we talk about 'the government' we usually mean the executive.They are usually referred to as the chairman, the chief executive officer, chief operating officer, president and vice-president.Directing takes place at every level of management: Every manager, from top executive to supervisor performs the function of directing.Can you recall the role of political and non-political executive in the case of the Office Memorandum? You might ask: Why does the political executive have more power than the non-political executive? Why is the minister more powerful than the civil servant? The civil servant is usually more educated and has more expert knowledge of the subject.

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