Exhibit example sentences

The noble gases thus exhibit very low chemical reactivity.In general, the ionic radii of elements exhibit the same trend as the atomic radii.The important oxidation states exhibited by p-block elements are shown in Table 1 In boron, carbon and nitrogen families the group oxidation state is the most stable state for the lighter elements in the group.Alkenes exhibit geometrical (cis-trans) isomerism due to restricted rotation around the carbon–carbon double bond.This means that, if a person exhibits one type of intelligence, it does not necessarily indicate being high or low on other types of intelligences.Carbon exhibits many allotropic forms; both crystalline as well as amorphous.It serves the industry by organising trade fairs and exhibitions— both within the country and outside, It helps export firms participate in international trade fairs and exhibitions, developing exports of new items, providing support and updated commercial business information.The firm's cash book for July 2005 which Kamlesh has just finished entering and balancing for the month is shown in exhibit Help Kamlesh to prepare the bank reconciliation statement.It needs to be observed that accounting ratios exhibit relationship, if any between accounting numbers extracted from financial statements, they are essentially derived numbers and their efficacy depends a great deal upon the basic numbers from which they are calculated.They are also found in streets of residential areas, places of exhibitions or meals, and outside schools, during a lunch break.Thus, the maximum chemical reactivity at the extreme left (among alkali metals) is exhibited by the loss of an electron leading to the formation of a cation and at the extreme right (among halogens) shown by the gain of an electron forming an anion.What is the psychological message in all of these examples? The message is that although most of the effects mentioned above are physical in nature, human beings have brought about these effects in order to exhibit their control and power over the natural environment.Others exhibit catatonic posturing, i.e. assuming awkward, bizarre positions for long periods of time.Bryophytes and pteridophytes, interestingly, exhibit an intermediate condition (Haplo-diplontic); both phases are multicellular and often free-living.Take for example, administrative expenses, whether they are exhibiting increasing tendency or decreasing tendency or remaining constant over the period of comparison, generally trend analysis is done for a reasonably long period.

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