Expected example sentences

A pegged exchange rate system may, as long as the exchange rate is not changed, and is not expected to change, display the same characteristics.As we explained above, personality types are used to represent and communicate a set of expected behaviours based on similarities.50,000 and is expected to have a useful life of 10 years.the table can be specified as any of the columns that are expected to have unique data values.The unexpected rise of inventories by 400 will be an example of unplanned accumulation of inventories.In case of an unexpected fall in sales, the firm will have unsold stock of goods which it had not anticipated.It is expected from Le Chatelier's principle that if we increase the concentration of any one of the ions, it should combine with the ion of its opposite charge and some of the salt will be precipitated till once again Ksp = Qsp.Usually more intense, prolonged or chronic, complex and unanticipated stresses have more negative consequences than have less intense, short-term, less complex and expected stresses.Some deviation in performance can be expected in all activities.Ensuring that the crops get water at the right stages during their growing season can increase the expected yields of any crop.Before you read Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which what happened was the opposite of what you expected? If so, you are familiar with the 'irony' of the situation, which is often embarrassing.In the opposite case where there is unexpected rise in the sales there will be unplanned decumulation of inventories.Being electron precise molecules, they are normally not expected to act as electron acceptor or electron donor species.Reserve is not a charge against profit as it is not meant to cover any known liability or expected loss in future.While he was being scolded he received help from an unexpected quarter.

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