Expensive example sentences

As a mother, if you want to show your child you care, then you have to buy this expensive soap.A small enterprise cannot afford to install an expensive control system.In this way, the advertisement uses the love of a mother for her child to sell this expensive soap.However, chromium is expensive and it may not be economical to make the whole object out of chromium.It is essential that the total formal sector credit increases so that the dependence on the more expensive informal credit becomes less.These ornaments have the appearance of silver or gold but are much less expensive.This devaluation of the domestic currency would make imports expensive and our exports cheaper, leading to a narrowing of the trade deficit.New technology was expensive and merchants and industrialists were cautious about using it.However, the consumer redressal process is becoming cumbersome, expensive and time consuming.The country from which we were importing and making payments in gold would face an increase in prices and costs, so their now expensive exports would fall and their imports of the first country's now cheap goods would go up.But the production of hand woven cotton textile was expensive and time consuming.She used candles rather than electricity, because she always thought electricity was too expensive.Malls, like the one above, sell expensive and branded goods.Increase in taxes by government can make things expensive to buy.But LED light sources are expensive, so CFLs are currently the best choice.

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